10 Video Games That Messed With The Player

7. Batman: Arkham Asylum

BioShock Andrew Ryan
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

A Batman game is not one many would assume would contain a moment that messes with and indeed scares the player, but many would be wrong. Sure, Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Asylum is for the most part a straightforward yet brilliant action game but, for a few seconds, it becomes a terrifying experience.

Part way through the story, you encounter The Scarecrow who subjects you to his hallucinogenic agent known as Fear Toxin. This causes Batman to start hearing voices, and upon walking halfway down a corridor, the game freezes, the screen tears as if crashing and the voices become distorted. After a few seconds of this, the screen goes black, with many players convinced that their console or PC was breaking.

Not so though, as a few short moments later came a cutscene revealing that the “glitch” wasn’t real, with Batman imagining the Joker taking him to Arkham Asylum, his worst fear. And, calming down from the fright of a crashed system, the player realsies they had their worst fear shown to them as well.

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Matt has been gaming since he was young, and enjoys exploring obscure indie games in between the latest AAA releases. The train sequence from Uncharted 2 still blows his mind.