10 Video Games That Missed Out The Money Shot

1. The Club 41 Fight - Tales Of Monkey Island

God Of War
Telltale Games

Telltale Games' Tales of Monkey Island was a welcome return for the long-backburnered franchise, with its very first episode displaying the typically self-aware, self-deprecating sense of humour that fans of the series expect.

Case in point, when Guybrush Threepwood heads to the private club Club 41 early on, a fight kicks off as he clumsily trips around the bar, due to the bar's rule that all provisional members must wear a blindfold until fully approved.

Though we hear quite the throwdown taking place inside before Guybrush emerges back outside, Telltale denies players the chance to actually see what happened.

The camera remains firmly parked outside the bar, which becomes even more maddening when the fight is described as an incredible "pirate brouhaha," and Guybrush makes it clear that he kicked a ton of ass.

While you'd be forgiven for assuming that Telltale simply denied us the fight as a tongue-in-cheek gag, there was actually a technical reason for it.

Tales of Monkey Island was initially co-developed for PC and Nintendo Wii, and with the Wii's WiiWare online download service limiting game files to 40MB, including the interior of Club 41 would've pushed the first episode over that limit. Hence the number 41 - as in, 41MB - in the club's name.

This was in effect a cute and clever way to circumvent the data limit without just scrapping the scene, even if many - that is, everyone - would've loved to see Guybrush wrecking a club full of surly pirates.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.