10 Video Games That Missed Out The Money Shot

2. Trevor Drunkenly Crashes A Helicopter - Grand Theft Auto V

God Of War

Though the Grand Theft Auto games aren't exactly known for their modesty where controversial or chaotic content is concerned, GTA V elides a wild money shot for the sake of a big laugh.

Throughout the game players are able to experience a number of comedic sequences when switching control to maniacal co-protagonist Trevor Philips, who will typically be depicted in a number of zany, usually alcohol-fuelled scenarios.

Trevor might wake up on a mountain wearing a bloody dress, laying on a train track in his underwear, or best of all in a drained swimming pool with the burned out remnants of a helicopter behind him and a building with a gaping, fiery hole in it.

It doesn't take one of Los Santos' finest to deduce what happened here: Trevor got drunk, stole a chopper, lost control, and bailed out while leaving the vehicle to crash into a nearby building.

And yet, Rockstar seemingly assumed that the version of this scene that players cooked up in their imaginations would be funnier and wackier than anything they could actually put in the game.

On one hand it's a great gag, but on the other it sure would be fun to see Trevor's botched, boozy chopper ride for ourselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.