10 Video Games That Missed Out The Money Shot

4. GLaDOS' Core Transfer - Portal 2

God Of War

During Portal 2, players end up performing a core transfer, replacing GLaDOS - the malevolent AI controlling Aperture Laboratories - with the seemingly more helpful Wheatley.

Despite GLaDOS being an inhuman entity, the sequence is still high-key horrific as "her" personality core is forcibly removed and replaced with Wheatley's.

Yet just as the machines get to work tearing GLaDOS away from the module, a metal panel rises up to conceal the physical act from view.

Yet GLaDOS' blood-curdling, digitised screams of horror are still so intensely unsettling that the scene is borderline nauseating regardless, no matter that we only see the aftermath of her carcass being thrown to the ground.

That's certainly not the absolute end of GLaDOS, though, whose personality core of course ends up attached to a potato battery by Wheatley.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.