10 Video Games That Missed Out The Money Shot

3. Calo Nord Makes A Rancor Swallow Grenades - Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

God Of War

Calo Nord is a legendary bounty hunter in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - a gun-for-hire encountered by the player several times throughout the game, and who proves to be a considerable thorn in their side until the player finally kills them later on.

KOTOR does a generally bang-up job of cementing Calo as a force to be reckoned with on-screen, and yet his most badass moment is sadly relegated to the written word.

Players are eventually able to take possession of Calo's datapad, which lovingly logs the bounty hunter's various kills over the course of his career, including a particularly amusing entry in which he recently killed a Rancor.

Calo explains that he dropped down onto the Rancor's neck, and when its "gaping maw" opened, he dropped a number of frag grenades down its throat.

The explosion instantly killed the Rancor and catapulted Calo to safety, after which he snagged the creature's still intact head as a trophy, because why the hell not?

As vividly as the datapad recalls this wild encounter, it sure would've been a fun introductory cutscene for the character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.