10 Video Games That Mock You For Paying Attention

6. The Secret Ending Makes Fun Of Gamers - The Witness

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Though nobody could blame you for reaching the standard ending of The Witness and immediately moving on to a less-taxing game, those craving a more "fulfilling" climax could forge ahead to discover the secret ending.

Players who continue to explore the world may eventually stumble across a concealed area of the map, and after making your way through a winding passage, you'll be greeted with another of the game's endings.

Despite how attentive you'll need to be to unlock this ending without using a guide, the game ultimately delivers an hilariously surreal slap in the face.

The ending amounts to a surreal 8-minute, first-person, live-action video where the player appears to unplug from a VR headset yet continues to interact with the real world in awkwardly game-y fashion.

As both an amusing commentary on the clunkiness of video games compared to real life and a sly critique of obsessive gamers seeking out "better" endings, this one stung just a teensy bit.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.