10 Video Games That Mock You For Paying Attention

4. "Nearly Perfect...But You Died" - Crash Bandicoot

Detroit Become Human Chloe
Vicarious Visions

The original Crash Bandicoot is a hard-as-nails platformer, and one which bafflingly became even more challenging when re-released as part of the N. Sane Trilogy, due to some subtle adjustments made to the game's physics.

Needless to say, getting to the end of a level is enough of a task, let alone being attentive enough to smash every single box along the way in order to unlock the shiny coloured gem.

Sadly the coloured gems are where the first game is at its very cruelest, as you also need to get to the end of a level without dying even once to receive the gem.

And so, if you're eagle-eyed enough to smash every box throughout the level but die at any point, you'll be met with a supremely taunting end screen which mockingly states, "Nearly perfect...but you died."

To top it off, an indignant Crash then taps his foot angrily, and if you're playing as Coco, she literally shakes with rage before sulking on the floor.

The first game is demoralising enough without it poking fun at you for being really, really good at it, but apparently not quite good enough to complete an entire level without dying. Pfft.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.