10 Video Games That Mock You For Paying Attention

3. Chloe's Post-Credits Assessment - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit Become Human Chloe
Quantic Dream

At the start of Detroit: Become Human, players are guided into the experience by friendly android Chloe, who also has a role in the game itself, and will later pass comment on players' choices whenever they reload the game.

Yet those who beat the story and promptly turned the game off missed a post-credits Easter egg of-sorts intended to chide players who actually bothered to stick around.

Basically, Chloe returns to offer some post-game commentary on your performance and specifically the choices you made. If your run was anything less than perfect, there's a solid chance Chloe will express distaste for what you got up to.

She gets especially upset if you allow Kara and Alice to die, ensuring that those who actually stayed through the credits probably wished that they didn't. Who needs this kind of abuse?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.