10 Video Games That Must Be Played On The Hardest Difficulty
9. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Death March

As a Witcher, you are supposed to
be a cunning warrior who knows the weaknesses for every monster that prowls the
woods of its realm, but most of the time Geralt is just another sword-swinging hero who
rushes into any battle and comes out alive - only this time you have silver
On Death March, however, taking advantage of the game’s bestiary and alchemy system is paramount at all times, adding an element of strategy that most players can otherwise ignore. Every encounter with any beast is a struggle, and even Drowners stop being the easily disposable meat at the bottom of the food chain.
With monsters being tougher and more resilient, oils, potions and signs are the difference between life and death, meaning you have to act more like Vesemir rather than Ciri as a child.