10 Video Games That Nearly Killed You

1. Battletoads

Some consider this game to be the most difficult game ever. You only have to play it for five minutes to see why, it€™s a testament to Battletoads design just how loved this game is, regardless of how ludicrously hard it is, filling the early 90s with the screams of children and teens, who just couldn€™t get past level five. Designed as a scrolling beat-em-up, they never make it easy on you and, regardless of how much you try, you'll die and it€™s so addictive, you'll play again and again as you learn the patterns you think you need in order to progress as you continue to die until finally madness will descend upon you. Oh and if you€™re in North America and you somehow overcome the game mechanics, there is a supposed, notorious, glitch that shut the game down around level eleven, so good luck with that.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.