10 Video Games That Nearly Killed You

8. Super Kaizo World

A mod so difficult it spawned one of the funniest YouTube videos ever created... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua6pbz3ROvQ This emulator version of SNES classic Super Mario World was designed by a madman with a penchant for sadism, and there are no ends to the creativity of this mod. Using the original Super Mario World as a template, they created a game that has zero room for error where just one mistimed jump, one micro-second of hesitation means you're dead. Throw in endless baddies, countless hidden obstacles and innumerable jumps that require you to sacrifice Yoshi, get hit, or do something that goes against every gaming principle you€™ve learnt over the years, and you have Super Kaizo World.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.