10 Video Games That Nearly Killed You

7. Treasure Island Dizzy

The Dizzy games were notoriously difficult for so many reasons. For instance they had, for the time, reasonably large worlds that required you to go back and forth solving puzzles. On top of this Dizzy was irrationally delicate and so the slightest bump from an enemy meant you were instantly a life down, and to further stack the odds against you there was no in-game saving, so progress wasn€™t just a system of trial and error, puzzle-to-puzzle, it was die and start again with minimal lives to work with every time. Out of the many Dizzy games, Treasure Island Dizzy was undoubtedly the hardest. Though it applied the same mechanisms as others in the series, for some reason this one had more failures than successes, dropping danger in the most inconvenient of places. Players would spend hour upon hour learning where they went wrong in the previous attempt, so when they started from the beginning (again), they could cautiously progress a little further and undoubtedly find another seemingly impassable obstacle that ensured they had to do it all again. For those players that did make it to the end, what was the reward for all the hard work? One solitary message that read €œCONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully solved all the puzzles and truly earned your freedom. Good luck Dizzy€. Wow, thanks.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.