10 Video Games That Offer Their Best Content AFTER You Beat Them

4. Jack Marston's Revenge - Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption Jack Marston
Rockstar Games

Red Dead Redemption's core campaign wraps up in unforgettable fashion, as protagonist John Marston is brutally gunned down by Edgar Ross and his men, sacrificing himself so that his family can see out their lives undisturbed.

The game ends with John buried by his wife Abigail and son Jack, after which the scene shifts to three years later, where Abigail has since died and the player is given control of a nineteen year-old Jack.

Rather than simply allowing the player to ride around the world as Jack, his father's weapons, horses, outfits and attributes carry over, and Jack even has his own recorded dialogue for most of the Strangers side missions.

But the true brilliance of this fantastic post-script is the secret final mission, where the player can track down Edgar Ross and gun him down in a duel, finally attaining revenge for John's death.

Only at this point is the game's title displayed to the player, delivering a concrete ending the story yet still allowing players to further explore the open world as Jack.

Red Dead Redemption 2's post-game was no slouch in this department either with its extended epilogue, but the sheer emotion and dramatic brilliance of the first game's is damn-near impossible to compete with.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.