10 Video Games That Offer Their Best Content AFTER You Beat Them

5. B-Sides & C-Sides - Celeste

Celeste C Side Chapter 7
Matt Makes Games

Last year's universally-acclaimed indie platformer Celeste is one of the most brilliantly brutal entries into its genre in recent years, though committed players can battle their way through it's tough-but-fair main campaign in around 8-10 hours.

That's just where things start getting interesting, though, as the post-game calls upon players to collect a single, impossibly-placed cassette tape within each chapter, which will unlock a much harder "B-side" version of said chapter. For the eighth and final chapter, though, there's the additional hurdle of amassing 15 Crystal Hearts.

Slogging through the B-sides will probably take you at least as long as the main game did, but it doesn't end there.

Beating the B-sides unlocks the somehow even more challenging C-sides, while unlocking the final C-side chapter requires players to collect all 23 Crystal Hearts.

By this point, you're easily looking at 30-40 hours of play-time, and it goes without saying that the new tricks you pick up while completing the B-sides and C-sides create an added incentive to revisit the core campaign.

While many games would turn such a challenge into a soulless combination of fetch quests and infuriatingly challenging platforming, Celeste is a rare white-knuckle effort that only becomes more entrancing and addictive the more difficult it gets.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.