10 Video Games That Peaked Too Early

8. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Uncharted 2
Naughty Dog

The first level of Naughty Dog's action-adventure sequel was an undeniable statement-of-intent from the blockbuster developer, that Uncharted 2 wasn't just going to be some quickly churned-out, soulless also-ran sequel. It meant business.

The game's very first level begins in media res as Nathan Drake finds himself in quite the pinch, a literal cliffhanger while Drake attempts to hastily exit a train hanging perilously from the edge of, well, a cliff.

Though it's effectively a tutorial for rusty players, Naughty Dog's seamless blend of gameplay and cinematics proved a game-changer for both the company and the industry as a whole, setting a new standard for what AAA thrills should look like.

The sequence only lasts a matter of minutes, but makes an impression that pervades throughout the rest of the entire game.

In fact, despite Uncharted 2 being quite arguably the best entry into the series, that opening is so evocative and unforgettable that the rest of the game struggles to keep up with it.

Like the first game, it over-indulges in monotonous shooting sequences with too many enemies, while that brief opening feels like the franchise distilled into its best and purest form, with a trained focus on far more enjoyable platforming, combined with cinematic visuals and a palpable sense of tension.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.