10 Video Games That Pissed Off Gamers Right Away

7. Superman 64

The Last Of Us Part 2
Titus Interactive SA

Believe it or not, Superman 64 launched on a tidal wave of hype, as both the first ever 3D Superman game and an early iteration of open-world AAA game design.

But it didn't take more than a few minutes for critics and players alike to realise that Superman 64 was a cold, hard dud of a game.

Even if you can accept the eccentric premise, that Lex Luthor creates a VR simulation of Metropolis and forces Superman to enter it in order to rescue Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, the core gameplay is maddening.

By far the most-loathed aspect of the game is the repetitive "ride" levels scattered throughout, where as Superman players must fly through mazes of rings around Metropolis, with some brutal time limits sure to flummox adults let alone kids.

Within a minute of the game starting you're thrown into the first of these challenge levels, and they only become longer and tougher as the game progresses.

A Superman game should empower the player and make them truly feel like the Man of Steel - not a rat being forced through a tedious labyrinth.

Considering how infamously expensive N64 games were upon launch, it only rubbed salt in the wound that Superman 64 was an ultra-cynical cash-in with virtually no redeeming value as a piece of interactive entertainment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.