10 Video Games That Pissed Off Gamers Right Away

6. Nier: Automata

The Last Of Us Part 2
Platinum Game

Nier: Automata may be a great game, but it requires players plowing their way through an unmitigated troll-job of a prologue.

The opening 40 minutes of the game offer up a surprising amount of push-back to even skilled players, and because there's no way to save the game until you clear the prologue and reach the Bunker, that means you need to start the entire game again if you die. Oh, and the cutscenes can't be skipped.

Players are required to take down two bosses that are challenging even on Normal difficulty, and so after a few failed attempts nobody could blame you for cranking the difficulty down to Easy just to get through it and start the game proper.

The overly demanding prologue leaves a dirty asterisk on a game otherwise widely praised for its mesmerising level of craftsmanship.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.