10 Video Games That Pissed Off Gamers Right Away

5. DmC: Devil May Cry

The Last Of Us Part 2

To be completely fair, Devil May Cry fans were pissed off before they even played a single solitary second of 2013's reboot DmC, which ditched the original iteration of Dante for a more edgy, "emo" character design in an attempt to make the game more appealing to teenagers.

DmC's pre-release press cycle was filled with criticism over the frankly unnecessary decision to reboot the IP, though when the game finally hit stores, it received relatively solid reviews despite the arguable pointlessness of the reboot itself.

And Capcom couldn't resist but thumb their nose at fans and their complaints, by directly referencing the Dante controversy in the game's opening level.

Moments before Dante battles the first boss at a carnival, a silver wig similar to the hair of Classic Dante randomly flies onto New Dante's head.

He takes a moment to consider himself in a reflection before literally staring directly at the player, defiantly quipping "Not in a million years," and ripping the wig off.

Unsurprisingly a lot of Devil May Cry fans felt personally slighted that Capcom demonstrated how little regard they had for their complaints.

It was certainly hilarious if you didn't have a dog in the fight, though given the game's disappointing commercial performance, it's perhaps proof that mocking your own customers is rarely a good idea.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.