10 Video Games That Punish You For Caring

3. Assassin's Creed III

Metal Gear Solid V

After building up the modern day story of Desmond, explored through the genetic memories of his ancestors, designer Patrice Desilets unceremoniously departed developer Ubisoft for unclear reasons. This left them in the position of having to finish a story that was only 2/3 of the way done, without its author.

Over multiple games we saw many questions raised: Desmond's destiny, scheming god Minerva, closest ally Lucy's betrayal... and what about the whole thing with Adam and Eve we glimpsed in ACII? Never answered.

Without Disilets, Ubisoft seemed uninterested in tying any of these threads together. Instead we got a very cliche story about Desmond sacrificing himself to prevent a solar flare from destroying the world - an Assassin Messiah whose growth and importance to the overarching plot of the ancients is simply dropped along with his body.

And the so-called "Apple" artefact at the center of the story was quickly reduced to one of many similar magical artefacts - probably the worst one, thanks to power creep that has grown over so many games.

The ending of AC: Valhalla finally gets back to this story, albeit in a convoluted way. Hopefully they stick with it this time.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.