10 Video Games That Punish You For Taking Shortcuts

5. The Skip Button - The Stanley Parable

the stanley parable
Galactic Cafe

Stanley Parable loves to make fun of video game tropes, and the ability to skip things is certainly one of them.

The additional content for the game that comes with its Deluxe Edition features a special skip button that the creators added in response to the criticisms regarding the lengthy monologues of Stanley Parable's narrator.

The button allows you to skip the narration whenever you feel like it's overstaying its welcome, causing the game to immediately progress through time to the point where the narrator finishes talking.

However, if you think the button is a genuine attempt at appeasing Stanley's impatient haters, you're in for quite the surprise.

You see, every time you press the button, the amount of time you skip through gets longer. You start off skipping minutes and eventually cause the game to move years into the future, waking up in a dark, almost postapocalyptic version of the room you left behind. All the while, the terrified and exhausted narrator curses you for messing with the button too much.

So in the future, maybe don't look for ways to skip the narration in a game that uses narration as its main selling point.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.