10 Video Games That Punish You For Trying To Be Cool

1. Being Slick Gets You A Game Over - Disco Elysium

Echo Game

Disco Elysium is a delightfully irreverent RPG and one which appears to reward players who think outside the box. But it's also a game with a profoundly dry, snarky sense of humour that clearly relishes putting the player through the wringer if they try to get cute.

Though the central skill check system is relatively forgiving, and the game as a whole embraces the idea of not getting everything right, there are a number of outrageous "gotcha!" fail states which will make short work of anyone who dares to posture.

For example, in the opening minutes of the game, if you decide to stay in your pants rather than get dressed and then reach for your necktie hanging from a ceiling fan - the epitome of blasé, I-do-what-I-want chill, right? - you'll suffer a sudden heart attack and die.

More infamously, later in the game you're also able to die from sitting in Evrart Claire's especially uncomfortable chair if your health is low and you fail a skill check, causing another dreaded coronary.

As much as Disco Elysium might superficially seem like a super-cool slice of detective noir, make no mistake that protagonist Harry is a Hall of Fame-level loser, and trying to do anything to the contrary will result in a swift course-correction on the game's part.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.