10 Video Games That Punished You For Being A Thief

6. Keeping The Money From A Robbery Locks You Out Of Power-Ups & NPCs - Mega Man Legends

The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening

Mega Man Legends features a morality system which judges players based on the heroism (or not) of their conduct throughout the game, literalised by the player's bright blue armour turning increasingly dark the more nefarious their actions.

You can become darker simply by committing acts of day-to-day civil disobedience, or you can kick a dog, or you can just become a mustache-twirling bank robber instead.

During a side mission where you're able to retrieve some stolen money and return it to the police, you can also opt to just...keep the money for yourself.

Doing so will instantly turn Mega Man Volnutt a much darker shade, in turn preventing you from acquiring some of the game's power-ups and speaking to certain NPCs reserved for morally superior players.

Worse still, there's no way to undo your darkened armour, meaning you're stuck with this disadvantage for the rest of your playthrough. Considering you weren't stealing that much money, it surely wasn't worth the punishment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.