10 Video Games That Punished You For Saving
6. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
While playing Final Fantasy XII, you feel great relief after you come across a Save Crystal, especially after making your way past a slew of enemies and booby traps. By coming into contact with this glowing jewel, you can save your progress and regenerate your party's HP and MP.
But sometimes, your eyes deceive you. Occasionally, the Save Crystal is not a Save Crystal at all, but a duplicitous enemy called Crystal bug. Sadly, you won't know whether these save points are real until you try to use them!
Although fake save points have appeared in games like Hollow Knight and Undertale, these crystallised critters are infamous for deceiving players, since they can literally kill you.
Although Crystalbugs aren't too hard to defeat, you let your guard down while approaching one, since you're under the false impression there are no enemies nearby. As such, it's unlikely you'll have your defences up, giving the treacherous beast an opportunity to overpower you.
What's worse is you can't just avoid the Crystalbug, since he turns into a real Save Crystal when he's defeated. If there's no other Crystals in the area, you have no choice but to fight him to maintain your progress.