10 Video Games That Put Insane Work Into Tiny Details

6. The Birds Are Modelled From Real Oregonian Birds - Life Is Strange

horizon zero dawn ants
Square Enix

Life Is Strange may take place in the fictional Oregonian town of Arcadia Bay, though the locale was heavily inspired by numerous real Oregon towns, namely Tillamook Bay, Garibaldi, and Oceanside.

The inspiration didn't end there, though, as the team at Dontnod also went to the extent of only including birds in the game which could be found in Oregon itself.

Considering that only ornithologists would've ever called Dontnod out for including random birds throughout Arcadia Bay, it's extremely impressive that they committed a clearly significant amount of research time to ensuring the avian wildlife was accurate to the region.

And with so much of the game being a curated cinematic experience, there's perhaps less likelihood that players would stop to smell the roses and explore the environment. All that effort, undeniably admirable though it is, for such a minimal immersive return.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.