10 Video Games That Put Insane Work Into Tiny Details

7. Ice Cubes Actually Melt In The Tanker Bar - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

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Hideo Kojima loves to include ridiculous details in his video games, as are sure to be missed by all but the most attentive and obsessive of players.

And perhaps the most impressively absurd detail in any one of his games appears in Metal Gear Solid 2, during the early Solid Snake-starring tanker-set portion of the game.

In the bar area of the tanker, you're able to shoot an ice bucket which will cause individual ice cubes to tumble out. Pretty cool for 2001, right? But it gets better.

If you stick around and watch the ice cubes in first-person view, you'll be able to witness the ice cubes melt in real time, getting gradually smaller and smaller over the course of around a minute until they're nothing.

It might seem trivial today, but 20 years ago this was a seriously impressive physics simulation, and yet one which the overwhelming majority of people would never even notice.

Even if they did shoot the ice bucket, they probably didn't stare at the ice cubes long enough to notice them melting.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.