10 Video Games That React To You Being A Scumbag

6. Shouted Down For Playing Slots During A Mission - TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

The Witcher 3
Free Radical Design

Ludonarrative dissonance is the disparity between a game's story and its gameplay, and this can often be found when a game offers distractions which entice players away from completing an urgent objective.

Case in point, we have TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and its fourth level, "The Khallos Express." 

Though the mission tasks you with stopping villain Archibald Khallos from launching a nuclear missile from his train, players who explore the train might find themselves lured away by the VIP carriage.

Among other amusements, this carriage includes a slot machine which players can actually use, but if you do so, you'll get a thorough chewing out from support character Anya.

Over comms she'll tell you, "You're mankind's last hope for survival and you're playing a slot machine!" 

Given that it's firmly established that Khallos is going to cause World War III if he manages to launch the nuke, the fact that Anya didn't go off on an expletive-filled tirade is honestly pretty damn restrained.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.