10 Video Games That REALLY Should've Been Cancelled

1. Marvel Heroes


Marvel Heroes was a free MMORPG where the player could take control of over a hundred iconic superheroes, including Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Wolverine. On paper, the comic book role player sounded like a guaranteed hit.

But shortly into development, Cryptic Studios concluded that Marvel Heroes wasn't on the same calibre as the competition, compelling them to cancel everything in early 2008. 

Even though Marvel Heroes should've died then and there, a new development team called Gazillion Entertainment came out of nowhere the following year and agreed to take over. Gazillion was so eager to work on the powerhouse IP they signed a decade-long deal with Disney to create more Marvel games, including Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (which massively underperformed).

Even though Gazillion's confidence is admirable, it was deeply misplaced. Due to the unsophisticated combat, repetitive gameplay, and limited customisation, Marvel Heroes felt more like Marvel Zeroes. Despite pumping in over $80 million and spending four years on the project, Disney closed down the servers three years after launch and terminated their deal with Gazillion.

Just to really kick Gazillion while they were down, the company went into liquidation immediately after, causing all employees to be let go without severance pay or benefits.

If the dead property wasn't needlessly resurrected, Disney and Gazillion could've saved themselves a lot of embarrassment and heartache. 

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