10 Video Games That REALLY Should've Been Cancelled

8. Too Human

Silicon Knights

Silicon Knights has been responsible for some fantastic titles, including Legacy of Kain, Eternal Darkness, and Metal Gear Sold: Twin Snakes. So, what the heck happened to them?

Well, the tragedy that befell this company can be summarised in the words - Too Human. Though a sci-fi RPG based on Norse mythology sounded cool, the project had an uphill battle right from start. 

Due to constant interference from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft, Too Human kept being delayed, resulting in a ten-year development cycle. These setbacks caused the budget to balloon to $100 million, which was an astronomical amount at the time. Nevertheless, Silicon Knights weren't deterred in the slightest, believing Too Human would launch a trilogy. After the dud was criticised for its graphics, control system, level design, and loading times, that dream ended then and there.

But it gets worse. Silicon Knights were caught in a legal battle with Epic Games after misusing their Unreal Engine 3, forcing them to pay $4 million. Just to rub salt in the wounds, SK had to destroy all their games that used the engine, including Too Human.

Due to scathing reviews, endless debt, and a lawsuit to boot, Silicon Knights had to close their doors for good soon after.

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