10 Video Games That REALLY Should've Been Cancelled

4. Ghostbusters (2016)

FireForge Games

In 2016, FireForge Games released an isometric 2.5D title simply called Ghostbusters (not be confused with Ghostbusters: The Video Game). 

Though the Ghostbusters reboot of the same year generated a lot of negativity, it was a masterpiece compared to this atrocity. On the surface, this adaptation looked like it had potential. Whist it takes after the events of the film, this Ghostbusters title carves its own path by telling a new story and following a different team of heroes. Also, it features four-player co-op, which was an awesome idea (in theory).

But due to the measly eight-month development cycle, it was obvious this travesty was rushed out to coincide with the release of the movie reboot.

Since the developers had no time to work on it, it was impossible for them to deliver a viable product. Offering no variety in gameplay or level design, it seemed criminal that this tedious and incomplete cash-grab had a retail price of $50.

With FireForge Games in debt of $12 million, the creators were liquidated a mere three days after Ghostbusters debuted.

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