10 Video Games That REALLY Should've Been Cancelled

3. Skull And Bones


Since the piracy sections in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag were a major highlight for the franchise, it seemed sensible to have the same team helm the tactical pirate title, Skull and Bones.

Even though the CEO, Yves Guillemot, promised it would be a Quadruple-A Game, alarm bells rang years before this doomed title saw the light of day. The lack of management, conflicting ideas, and general disorganisation led to a six-year delay and the budget ballooning to $200 million. Even if the game made a ton of money, turning a profit seemed unfeasible.

Sadly, the end result was worse than the biggest cynics expected. Despite the time and money put into it, Skull and Bones felt like an inferior version of Black Flag. The sailing and ship combat is so bafflingly rudimentary, it's hard to understand how this same team perfected these gaming mechanics a decade earlier.

Despite offering free trials, Skull and Bones drew less than a million players upon its release. The fact its competition, Sea of Thieves, sold over a quadruple the amount in the same timeframe really added to the Ubisoft's misery. Not only did Skull and Bones fail to make a profit, it didn't come close to breaking even.

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