10 Video Games That Reward You For Being Evil

8. The Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age

InFamous Cole MacGrath

Middle-earth's track record with video games is fairly hit and miss (fingers crossed for the upcoming Gollum game, even though it does seem like a bizarre idea), but back when the Lord Of The Rings film series was dominating cinemas, publisher EA delivered fans a pretty solid string of titles.

The official tie-ins for The Two Towers and Return Of The King are examples of how to make great licensed games, and on top of those, we also got The Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age, a fun turn-based RPG that let players fight through the events of the movie trilogy, but in a slightly different way.

Most notably, the game features an unlockable Evil Mode, in which the player ditches the good guys and instead sides with the forces of, well, evil. You can play as the Balrog and utterly annihilate Gandalf and his party, assume command of an armoured troll in Minas Tirith, or even control an enormous Oliphaunt in the battle of Pelennor Fields.

Best of all though, this isn't just a worthless side activity. By completing levels in Evil Mode, you'll be awarded with a variety of useful items which can then be used in the main game - so it's actually a good idea to give the villains some time in the spotlight!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.