10 Video Games That Reward You For Killing NPCs

9. Bloodborne - Acting Suspicious

sifu game

Living in any Soulsborne universe must be tough. It's hard to tell who's friend or foe, until one's talking Olde English at you and the other's smearing you into the floor.

The general rule of thumb is if they're not attacking the player, they're a friendly-ish NPC. Unless it's Patches, the s**t.

Yet in Bloodborne, there's a particularly deceptive NPC that can catch unwitting players out. Although the signs are pretty obvious...

As players explore the Forbidden Woods, they can chance upon a suspicious man stood above a corpse. Acting all sad and whatnot, the player is given the option to send him to refuge in the Oedon Chapel.

That, as it turns out, is a very bad thing to do. He will systematically murder everyone.

So, do what any good Hunter should do and give him a slap... which shows his true, massive wolf-like nature. Daunting, and difficult if unprepared, it's a mini battle so early on.

Persevere with it, and not only will players net a fair chunk of blood echoes, but they'll also stop some potentially side quest-depending NPC's from dying. Good Hunter.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.