10 Video Games That REWARDED You For Being An Idiot

1. Totally Ignoring The Main Quest - Skyrim

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Accidentally becoming too powerful to have the final fight be a challenge is a tale as old as time. Countless players of Skyrim have only faced Alduin in a noble battle for the world after doing literally everything else they could. When you're the Arch-mage of Winterhold College, Guild Master of Thieves, Listener of the Dark brotherhood, and generally a total badass, the idea of fighting another big scary dragon just isn't as imposing.

While every free-roam game is guilty of this, Skyrim takes it that extra step further, as most of the major side quests in the game you're able to complete practically from the start of the game. If you're a natural born completionist - or just having fun exploring these wonderful lands - you can easily rock up to the final fight totally overpowered by complete accident.

But this is a mixed blessing and curse, as you've accidentally made what can be a moderately challenging fight a total cakewalk, ensuring you end the main questline of the regular game feeling like a stone cold champion. Alduin who? There's a new world's biggest threat now, baby.

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Dark Souls 2
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