10 Video Games That Roasted Themselves

5. Time To Change The Disc - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots

Spider-Man Remastered

Of the many memorable things about the original Metal Gear Solid, few will forget defeating Sniper Wolf and being suddenly met with what looks like the Game Over screen, which then asks players to insert disc 2 ( given the mere 660MB capacity of a PS1 game disc and all.)

It's hardly a bad moment, but Hideo Kojima nevertheless wanted to make light of how far the series had come by its fourth entry, Guns of the Patriots, which was released on PS3 and shipped on a single Blu-ray disc.

When Old Snake returns to the very same area of Shadow Moses where he defeated Sniper Wolf, Otacon calls him up and explains that it's time to change the disc.

Cue a throng of players having a sudden anxiety attack given that they're pretty sure their copy of the game only came with one disc. But a few moments later, Otacon says, "Oh, wait! We're on PS3! It's a Blu-ray disc. Dual-layered, too - no need to swap!"

Beyond cheekily mocking the archaic nature of disc-swapping, Kojima couldn't resist hyping up dual-layer Blu-ray technology, before Snake rightly tells Otacon to "get a grip."

Given that the entire game has almost 20 minutes of install time, though, many might've actually preferred a snappy disc swap.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.