10 Video Games That Roasted Themselves
4. The Series' Flawed Protagonists - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Though the Assassin's Creed franchise is generally pretty straight-faced where its own ridiculous mythology is concerned, the fourth game, Black Flag, did take a rare opportunity to thoroughly send-up its wildly divisive gallery of prior protagonists.
Players are able to access Abstergo Entertainment's market analysis files, which pass hilarious comment on some of the less-savory qualities of the series' mainline heroes.
The report on the first game's protagonist Altair, for example, acknowledges that he is arrogant and unlikeable - both frequent complaints from players - while the second game's Ezio Auditore is noted as a hypocrite.
But the most brutal putdowns are saved for Connor, the protagonist of Assassin's Creed III, the report stating they were "unimpressed by his calm and stoic demeanour," again reflecting fan complaints that Connor was, well, a bit dull.
Though these videos are absolutely satirical in tone - with the narrator often pronouncing names in correctly, for starters - they do nevertheless cut to the heart of issues many fans genuinely had with the series' protagonists.