10 Video Games That RUINED Amazing Villains

1. Fat Officials - Demon's Souls

mortal kombat 11 shao kahn
Bluepoint Games

Bluepoint Games' remake of Demon's Souls is for the most part an excellent new-gen retooling of FromSoftware's classic predecessor to Dark Souls, save for some of its less-inspired redesigns of classic enemies.

And none got fans' goat more than the Fat Officials, the obese demons decked out in garish golden garb, which in the original game wore massively creepy grins across their mask-life faces.

For the remake, though, the Fat Officials were redesigned into a more generic, pustule-covered "fat guy" enemy, the spine-tingling smile replaced with a more neutral villainous facial expression, and their clothing made less-opulent.

If the original Fat Officials were grotesque caricatures of greed and inequality that only FromSoftware could come up with, the remake versions felt like garden variety enemies from any number of action-adventure games. The original character and personality has been almost entirely stripped away.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.