10 Video Games That RUINED Amazing Villains

8. Tiny Tiger - Crash Of The Titans

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Though Tiny Tiger isn't one of Crash Bandicoot's top-tier villains alongside, say, Neo Cortex or N. Gin, he has appeared in a number of the mainline and spin-off games alike since making his debut in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back.

In the second and third games, Tiny puts Crash through two of the more memorable boss fights in the main series, and though he's not nearly as smart as his superiors, his brawny persona provides a welcome riposte to their poindextering.

He was a blunt object who simply wanted to smash Crash into dust, but he was amusingly stupid and clumsy, as sometimes proved to be his downfall.

2007's Crash of the Titans saw the series undergo a major aesthetic overhaul, however, as the main cast all received significant makeovers, such as Crash receiving punky tribal tattoos.

If Crash was disgraced, then Tiny was outright massacred, as the hyper-masculine brute was reimagined to basically resemble Mike Tyson painted with tiger stripes and put into a pair of combat fatigues.

Tiny was markedly less-buff than in prior appearances, his voice wasn't as menacing, and he'd changed so much that he may as well have been a totally different character.

Crash of the Titans is admittedly jam-packed with head-scratching design decisions, but it's really tough to parse the mindset here.

At least Tiny ended up looking a little more like himself in the subsequent remakes of the original trilogy and Crash Team Racing, as well as his brief cameo in Crash 4.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.