10 Video Games That RUINED Amazing Villains

6. Nemesis - Resident Evil 3

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The original 1999 release of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is still fondly remembered today for the utterly terrifying presentation of its titular antagonist.

Counter to the series' lumbering zombies, Nemesis moved extremely fast, packed a mighty punch, and would even chase the player between multiple rooms as proved particularly stressful.

Above all else, it was vital that the 2020 remake got Nemesis right, though sadly the generally rushed, thrown-together feel of the remake also transpired through to its deeply underwhelming treatment of its primary antagonist.

For starters, this new version of Nemesis has been re-designed - or rather, over-designed. His face looks markedly different, complete with a strangely crooked nose, while he's wearing what's probably supposed to be a body-bag but just looks like a couple of binbags stuck together.

His voice isn't as a creepy either nor are his mutations as impressive, but the deal-breaker is that the player's encounters with "Nemmy" just aren't nearly as scary.

The original game truly makes Nemesis feel like a Terminator-esque killing machine, whereas in the remake he's far less of a threat.

It doesn't help that the game generally appears to regard Nemesis as more of a joke, as when Jill infamously says, "B*tch can't even swim":


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.