10 Video Games That RUINED Amazing Villains

4. Doctor Eggman - Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)

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Dr. Eggman aka Dr. Robotnik is without question one of the most iconic video game villains of all time, and while his design has undergone a number of variations over the years, they've largely clung to the maxim that Eggman is, well, bulbous and egg-shaped.

But the 2006 Sonic reboot - a game that really didn't need any help at all being critically reviled - was pilloried for drastically redesigning Eggman to be considerably thinner.

Furthermore, his trademark pink nose was nowhere to be seen, and his "realistic" sunglasses meant that we could also see something we've never seen before - his disconcertingly baby blue eyes.

Sega basically attempted to give Eggman's Sonic Adventure design a grounded update, but most fans were simply left horrified at what they'd done to a classic design that didn't remotely need tinkering with.

It's still less horrifying than Sonic making out with a human woman in the game, but only barely.

Thankfully the vitriol against Eggman's new design and the game as a whole was potent enough that he immediately returned to a more typically paunchy, cartoony look in the next Sonic game.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.