10 Video Games That Secretly Punish You For Playing Well

3. Ravenskull

star wars knights of the old republic swoop racing
Superior Interactive

A deepest of deep cuts now with 1986's graphic adventure game Ravenskull, which tasks players with defending the village of Austberg and retrieving a stolen silver crucifix, which has been split into four parts and scattered throughout the game's four levels.

The player's performance is graded on a percentage scale, but this ultimately serves up a major drawback for cream-of-the-crop players who manage to complete a perfect run through the game by accomplishing every single possible task.

In a massive design oversight, the game only keeps track of two digits, meaning that if you do actually get 100% completion, the game will in fact perceive it to be 0% and therefore deny you the win.

And so, to beat the game legitimately, the most skilled Ravenskull players need to intentionally miss a task or two to ensure that the busted game counter keeps track of all their work.

For anyone nostalgic for the era where developers couldn't release a broken product and later fix it up with patches, consider fresh nonsense like this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.