10 Video Games That Secretly Punish You For Playing Well

2. Hades

star wars knights of the old republic swoop racing
Supergiant Games

As universally acclaimed as roguelike action-RPG Hades is, there were some players who complained that they ended up feeling punished through their ability to beat the game uncommonly quickly.

Those skilled enough to prevail against final boss Hades after just a small number of runs will basically end up missing a ton of lore, interactions, dialogue, and general world-building, all of which fleshes the game out considerably.

And beyond that, it can result in dialogue triggers being awkwardly placed, meaning that even the plot and character information you do end up hearing seems haphazardly thrown into the mix.

Evidently, developer Supergiant Games didn't count on many - if any - players getting through it quite so fast.

Basically, unless you really have a good reason to rush through Hades and move onto your next game of choice, you're definitely advised to chill and take your time getting to the end, because you'll get a far more complete-feeling experience.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.