10 Video Games That Should Have Started 10 Minutes Later

4. Heavy Rain

skyrim intro
Quantic Dream

Heavy Rain is an interactive drama game which follows four characters connected to a murderer called the Origami Killer. The decisions you make have a major impact on how the storylines branch out, which characters live, and how the story concludes. Quick-time events were nothing new during Heavy Rain's release but the game stood out since the majority of the gameplay focused on this mechanic.

However, one can argue Heavy Rain focused too much on quick-time events. The game begins with Ethan getting ready before going out shopping with his family.

The actions you perform seem rudimentary but they prepare the player for later tasks in the game. For example, the shaving sequence teaches you to keep your hand straight since you'll need surgical precision to perform certain missions later on.

However, most actions in this sequence require the player to press a single button to perform. Because the game tells you what to press to open a closet, pick up a box, or call a person's name, it feels like the developers are under the patronising belief you can't figure this stuff out yourself.

Heavy Rain would've benefitted without this sequence since it's way too slow and simple.


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