10 Video Games That Should Have Started 10 Minutes Later

3. Knights Of The Old Republic II

skyrim intro

Because Knights of the Old Republic was universally praised, the hype was felt throughout the galaxy for the sequel. Sadly, KOTOR II: The Sith Lords begins in the most unimaginative way possible - a dungeon crawl.

With no one to interact with, your character moves from one room to another, mindlessly button-mashing at generic enemies. It doesn't help that the setting is drab and the level focuses on a mystery that isn't particularly engaging.

This issue could've been avoided if this prologue followed the set-up as its predecessor. The first KOTOR's intro is evenly divided with cutscenes, battles, exploration, and discussions. If there was too much fighting, it would feel repetitive. If the cutscenes went on too long, the player would switch off. But because LucasArts balanced each of these sections, this opening works perfectly.

So, why didn't its sequel follow the same formula? It's may not be creative to copy the format of the original's prologue but it would have been better than what we got!

Fortunately, this sequence is not reflective of the whole game since KOTOR II picks up after this section is completed.


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