10 Video Games That Sold MILLIONS (Despite Being Terrible)
9. Shadow The Hedgehog

There is no greater indicator of emo's power in the mid-noughties than the fact that Shadow the Hedgehog managed to sell millions of copies.
Shadow The Hedgehog may not be the worst Sonic game ever made - the glitch-filled, bestiality-promoting Sonic 06 holds that dubious distinction - but it's definitely located somewhere near the bottom of the Sonic barrel.
As well as its posturing, try-too-hard attitude (just look at the state of the above picture), Shadow suffers from the same bugbears that affect all the worst Sonic games. Chiefly, a camera that actively avoids showing you important information and overly-sensitive controls that make the protagonist move like a meth-soaked pinball.
Unfortunately, Shadow also adds its own bitter twist to the toxic Sonic formula - guns. The gunplay in Shadow is utterly hopeless, as the lock-on constantly fails to distinguish between friend and foe and the aforementioned camera problems see the player having to constantly fire at off-screen targets.
It says something that Shadow The Hedgehog never received a sequel despite selling millions. SEGA knew they got lucky with the ebony hedgehog's first (and last) game, and wisely quit while they were ahead.