10 Video Games That Take Multiple Playthroughs For The TRUE EXPERIENCE

7. The Quiet Man

Starfield starborn
Square Enix

Because it'd be a little too easy to just include actual good games on this list, here's an absolute clanger.

The Quiet Man is a cinematic beat 'em up game with an intriguing albeit poorly executed hook - to immerse players in the world of its deaf protagonist, both the gameplay and FMV cutscenes have minimal audio with no subtitles.

Yet this ultimately resulted in an experience more confusing than entertaining for most.

Even if you could forgive the frankly atrocious combat, figuring out what the hell was going on was an absolute chore, and something that few were compelled to commit much thought to.

A week after the game's release, however, developer Human Head Studios released a New Game Plus update called "Answered," which restored the removed audio and allowed players to at least understand what was happening.

Yet let's be honest, that initial playthrough is such a miserable, head-scratching experience that few likely bothered to dive back in for a more illuminating second go-around.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.