10 Video Games That Time Forgot (But We Haven’t)

7. Blinx: The Time Sweeper - XBOX - 2002

Maximo game

This one feels like a weird dream until I remembered it actually happened.

XBOX’s first mascot, Blinx: The Time Sweeper, saw the player embarking on a quest through different dimensions of time to defeat the evil time monsters that inhabit them. The game has a very SEGA feel to it and that makes sense when you consider Naoto Ohshima, the creator of Sonic The Hedgehog directed this game.

Blinx is armed with a magical vacuum cleaner used to clear up trash and monsters - stay with me here - the player can also slow down, speed up, pause time and record to solve puzzles. These mechanics were a unique feature at the time and helped the player overcome often difficult enemies. As a youngster I found this game extremely hard, though this didn’t stop me from playing the first level over and over.

The sequel to the game, Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space performed badly in retail and so Microsoft has since dropped the trademark for the XBOX exclusive game - this obviously shatters my dreams about a Blinx 3 on the horizon.


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