10 Video Games That Totally Wasted Their Biggest Selling Point
1. Vaas Dies WAY Too Early - Far Cry 3
Remember Vaas? Remember the whole "Did I tell you the definition of insanity?" shtick? It was pretty great. Thanks to Ubisoft absolutely nailing the initial rollout of both Far Cry 3's new gameplay mechanics and a character who would go on to become one of the best villains in gaming history, people hardly ever mention the fact that his full inclusion was actually pretty terrible.
After a brilliant opening where Vaas berates you from the other side of a cage you've been locked in, post-escape you reconcile to building up your strength and bringing the fight to him somewhere down the line. Cue a major tonal change as supernatural elements are brought in and you dart off to rescue the other GAP models that are masquerading as your friends from across the island. Following a handful of other missions where you're shown the ways of the mysterious Citra, an ancient (or something) warrior woman hellbent on overtaking the island itself, you journey back and... kill... Vaas... immediately?!
Yup, that's it. You stab him as part of a barely interactive segment after triggering the takedown and he never comes back. In the run-up to release there was a ton, absolutely metric TON of materials alluding to Vaas being the main villain, or that he could perhaps be your character of Jason, as following Vaas' death, his eyes look back at you one last time.
Did any of that matter though? Nope, you had to make a thoroughly forced decision whether to side with Citra at the close of the game and remain on the island, or escape with the various sentient piles of clothes you'd rescued on a fancy yacht.
The "definition of insanity"? It's building an entire marketing campaign around a character you barely use.
What games sold you on one awesome feature, only for it to be totally wasted potential? Let us know in the comments!