10 Video Games That Tried To Change The Industry Forever (And Failed)

1. Defiance

Defiance Nolan Irisa
Trion Worlds

Defiance is one of the weirdest video game experiments to ever get greenlit, and yet barely anybody even knows what it is.

Trion Worlds' third-person MMO was made in collaboration with the SyFy channel, and the idea was to have a video game series and a TV series that existed side-by-side and informed each other. The persistent world of the game could adapt to developments in the show, and the two properties would both continue the same narrative.

While there have been plenty of gaming tie-ins before, usually they're rushed out to capitalise on a brand, not made to share equal footing with the property they're based on.

Sadly, neither Defiance the game nor Defiance the show were all that good. Neither were outright terrible, but not special enough to justify the ambitious crossover plans, or the alleged $70 million price tag that came with the title's development.

Who knows, had it released after Destiny ushered in the live-service boom, SyFy's idea might have have survived.


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