10 Video Games That Tried Way Too Hard To Be Cool

2. Fortnite

fortnite agent

As surprisingly as it might be, I'm not actually going to rag on Fortnite for being, well, Fortnite. The colourful characters, bandwagon jumping and flossing are all fair game and a distinct part of the brand, and what helped it become a pop-culture phenomenon.

What is a desperate attempt to nab 'cool points' though, is the constant crossover events. Pretty much every time there's some kind of notable movie coming out, Fortnite will sell its soul to include a tie-in. From Star Wars to John Wick, (seriously, how many kids playing this game know who the hell John Wick is?) the devs don't miss a beat to cash in on the thing everyone is talking about.

Throw on top of this in-game 'gigs' headlined by virtual versions of artists like Marshmallow, which encourage everyone to pop off their best emotes, and the whole thing comes across like EPIC is desperately scared Fortnite's insane popularity will dwindle, and are doing everything they can to associate it with whatever hip brands are currently in vogue.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3