10 Video Games That Trolled Players In INSANE Ways

9. Ghosts Photobomb Your Selfies - Yakuza 6: The Song Of Life

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas CJ

It's well-known that random NPCs will attempt to photobomb your selfies in the Yakuza games, but in Yakuza 6, Sega decided to take it one step further. In the sequel, you just might get bamboozled by a damn ghost while taking a narcissistic snap or two.

Throughout the game, you're able to collect 10 photos of dead former acquaintances, and during select locations around the game map, if you take a photo they'll show up in it.

Each of the 10 dead characters can appear in four separate locations, making a grand total of 40 areas in the game where you can be haunted while simply trying to snap a picture.

Given that Yakuza 6 hardly spells this side-quest out to players, many were understandably spooked when they found a grotesque otherworldly presence making an uninvited cameo in their image.

Even several years after release, it's continuing to give players the surprise heebie-jeebies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.